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Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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Take a Step Closer to Your Dreams With This One Practice

Picture for a moment the “future you” who’s already achieved your dreams. The 8-figure business that scales without taking all your time. The body that’s healthy and strong and looks 10 years younger. The far-flung excursions with family and friends, filled with laughter


4 Must-Haves for Creating the Future of Your Dreams

“Be realistic. You’ve never done this before, you don’t know how, and it won’t work.” Ever heard your mind say something like that? Right when you’re trying something new? Don’t listen. These thoughts come from the past. Not just your individual past, but


Why a Future Focus Is So Important in Business

What do successful race car drivers, equestrian jumpers, and entrepreneurs have in common? They focus on where they want to go. Because energy flows where attention goes. Of course we know this, we’ve heard it before. But sometimes our mind goes on autopilot.


2 Important Truths About Loving Your Business

Want to fall in love with your business again? Two things will get you there. ✔️Your thoughts. ✔️Your actions. The way you think about your business defines your relationship with it. ⁠ ⁠ When you think about problems, it’s easy to feel frustrated

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset