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Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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My Dark Night of the Soul

Most founders face at least one dark night of the soul. The Beginning: Why Start a Business? You’re smart and talented. You value freedom and autonomy. Working for others feels restrictive. So, you start a consulting business. You’re great at what you do,


Here’s Why You Don’t Delegate

Here’s why you avoid delegating: It’ll take too long to explain. You might forget something. You tried before and it backfired. You don’t trust yourself to: Clearly describe the results you want. Assess the outcome. Take emotion out of it. You also don’t


Which Type of Achiever are You?

All achievers are wired for action. The successful ones use energy as fuel—and that energy comes from how they feel. When you feel confident, you push yourself because you enjoy it. You don’t need external validation, so you: • Move fast• Take more


What’s Really Keeping You Stuck

Most founders have a bias for action. It’s almost always a superpower. More action = more results. But sometimes it works against you. Especially if you don’t believe. It looks like this: You launch a new product/service and take massive action. But doubt creeps in. You start and


Stop Fighting With Yourself

Founders fight a daily battle. Steven Pressfield calls it resistance in his great book, “The War of Art.” It’s the invisible force that keeps you from doing your most important work. Resistance shows up as procrastination, fear, self-doubt, and excuses. In my book,


Revenue Doesn’t Equal Freedom

Owning a professional services business generating 7 figures/yr in revenue with a +30% profit is common. But being able to exit that business is not. Service businesses are difficult to sell because: 1. They’re not predictable2. They depend on the owner3. Growth requires


How I Saved My Business

My first business almost went under after 9/11. It was a time of grief and turmoil for everyone. Families were devastated. Entire industries came to a halt. My business clients stopped paying their invoices, but I still had a team to support. Three


The High Cost of Overworking

Founders pay a high price for overworking. We glorify the grind and even brag about it. But here’s the truth: If you’re still working 50-hour weeks after 5 years in business, you’re in danger. It means your business: Depends on you Isn’t systematized


You’re Undercharging

There’s only one thing you need to understand about pricing. It took me decades to learn. So much drama, worrying: Is it too much? Not enough? Will they buy? We think it’s out of our control. That it’s up to the client or the market. But the truth? You

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset