You’re Undercharging

There’s only one thing you need to understand about pricing. It took me decades to learn.

So much drama, worrying: Is it too much? Not enough? Will they buy?

We think it’s out of our control. That it’s up to the client or the market.

But the truth? You have complete control over price.

Your price comes from 4 things:

1. Your belief in yourself
2. Your belief in your team
3. Your belief in your solutions
4. Your belief in your clients

Every business owner has doubts. They worry about their leadership skills. They’re anxious about weak links in their team. They’re embarrassed about systems duct-taped together. They’re not sure all clients are getting great results.

It’s normal to think this way but it’s deadly. Your beliefs affect your confidence. Which affects your marketing. And your client’s perceptions.

Take control of your mind. Don’t discount your price or undercharge projects.

Increase your beliefs in yourself, in your team, in your solutions, and in your clients

Ask yourself, what would it take to feel 100% confident? Then go do the work.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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