It’s common to worry about money when you own a business.
But it’s just not helpful.
Revenue is a result. It comes from solving problems and adding value.
Your mind is the tool you use to do both of those things. This means managing your mind must be your main priority.
So how do you “manage your mind”?
Here’s the tool I use, called the “model.”
It’s based on cognitive psychology and works like a formula:
Circumstances + Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results
➡️ Circumstances are conditions that are facts. For example, “Revenue is down 20%.” ➡️ Thoughts about it: “We’re in trouble, this is a crisis.” ➡️ Feelings created by those thoughts: worry and stress. ➡️ Actions driven by feelings: you beat yourself up and take frantic, ineffective action fueled by fear. Or, you blame the market or economy and escape by checking out. ➡️ Results: you waste time blaming and buffering, leading to no increase in revenue because problems aren’t solved, and things get worse.
The revenue on your financial statement is just a number. It’s not creating worry—your thoughts about it are.
Now, here’s an alternative model:
➡️ Circumstance: Revenue is down 20%. ➡️ Thought: Our niche may no longer value what we’re offering, or we aren’t reaching the customers who need what we have. We can fix either/both. ➡️ Feelings: Determined, focused. ➡️ Actions: Identify primary problems experienced by our niche and address them. Create a customer advisory board for input. Systematically test and adjust marketing audiences and messaging. ➡️ Results: Data that guides clear decisions and provides input for new revenue streams and solutions.
Focus your mind on the results you want. Choose the thoughts you think on purpose.
Because what you think affects how you feel, and that drives what you do.
In fact, I’ve used the model to create incredible results in business, relationships, and health. It’s the best tool for changing the way you see the world.
And when you change the way you see the world, the world you see changes.