The #1 Way to Predict the Future

All day long you’re thinking.

Most of the time your thoughts are automatic.

Right now, your thoughts are causing you to feel energized or exhausted.

Clear or confused.

Confident or uncertain. ⁠

You can predict your future by looking at the thoughts you’re thinking today. ⁠

That’s because your thoughts affect how you feel, and how you feel drives what you do.

When you think, “I’m not sure what to do,” you feel doubt, which causes you to hesitate.

When you think, “There’s too much to do,” you feel overwhelmed and lose focus.

When you think, “We’re not going to make it,” you feel fear and try to escape.

Doubt, overwhelm, and fear are deadly emotions for an entrepreneur.⁠

⁠How do you want to feel when you’re launching a new solution, giving a big speech, or recruiting a C-suite leader for your business?

⁠You want to feel clear, confident, and present. ⁠

You can generate these feelings on demand by choosing your thoughts intentionally.

⁠Thoughts like, “I know where I want to go. I’ll figure out how to get there by iterating. I’m ready to take the next step in my evolution. I’m either winning or learning. I’m making a difference by adding value to everyone around me.”

Fill your mind with these kinds of thoughts because they produce good feeling energy that will fuel your actions.

That’s how you create the future NOW. ⁠

⁠On purpose.

Remember when you used to LOVE your business? Find out how to leverage your brain and manage your mind in my bestselling book, Loving Your Business. Separate your identity from your business and turn it into a scalable asset that can run without you. That’s a business you’ll love – and other people will too. Get the first chapter here!



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