3 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Way to Success

Ever think you’ll finally be successful once you hit that financial milestone, put together the right team, or create the winning marketing campaign?

Success can seem like the horizon, no matter where we are, it’s farther away.

It’s easy to forget that the purpose of owning a business is to add value to the world and create an asset that works for you.

Success will come easier when you avoid these 3 common mistakes:

1. Complexity: Don’t try to be everything to everyone and build a complicated business filled with exceptions just to keep the money coming in. Complicated businesses are harder to scale. Narrow your niche. Simplify and streamline.

2. Overwork: It’s a myth that the way to make more money is to work more and to work harder. Adding more value is how you make more money. You add value to the world by using your mind, not by working more hours. Systematize to scale.

3. Overmanage: Delegating to others creates feelings of uncertainty because other people do things differently. It’s natural to respond by overmanaging because we believe we do things the right way. Don’t do it. Commit to learning how to hire the right people and get out of their way. Evaluate their results and give feedback.

At the root of each of these pitfalls is the hidden fear that maybe we’re not good enough. We try to prove our worth as a person by demonstrating our success as a business owner. That’s why we try to control things.

The antidote is to make it a practice to appreciate yourself for having the courage to be in business in the first place. For being willing to learn and grow and contribute to the world.

Business is about adding value to the world, not proving your worth. Because that’s a given.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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