“Be realistic. You’ve never done this before, you don’t know how, and it won’t work.”
Ever heard your mind say something like that? Right when you’re trying something new?
Don’t listen. These thoughts come from the past.
Not just your individual past, but our collective past as a species.
Your brain is doing its best to keep you alive by resisting change. It wants you to stay in the cave where it’s safe.
But staying the same is the most dangerous thing you can do. You are meant to grow and evolve.
What’s the safest thing to do?
CREATE the future.
Instead of letting it happen to you.
DECLARE your future.
Pull it toward you in the present.
Instead of dragging your past into the present and using it to decide what’s possible for you.
Let the future you’re living into be what shapes the way you think, feel and act today.
Simply because you decide to.
Because it’s a more interesting game.
Because creating something new is what you were born to do.
Because that’s how we evolve as humans.
What does it take to do this?
Clarity: know what you want
Self-love: believe you deserve it
Courage: go and get it
Commitment: never quit
Create your future, now.
You were made for this.
Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.