Living in Your Zone of Genius

Spend most of your time in your zone of genius.

If calling yourself a genius feels boastful, let go of that idea. It’s not about being better than others—it’s about doing what you love and what you do best.

It’s not selfish, either.

The world improves when everyone contributes their unique abilities instead of settling for mediocrity.

Everyone has a zone of genius. Discover yours and set an example for others.

Step 1: Make a list answering this question: “What would I do if money and time were no object?”

Step 2: Read “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks. He identifies 3 zones:

  • Zone of Competence: You’re okay, but others are better.
  • Zone of Excellence: You’re great, but others can do it too.
  • Zone of Genius: You’re naturally gifted and uniquely capable.

In your zone of genius, you enter flow state—where ideas flow effortlessly and you feel relaxed yet focused.

You feel connected to limitless potential.

The universe amplifies your natural genius, delivering insights through dreams, flashes of inspiration, or spontaneous ideas.

  • Neil Bohr saw the structure of the atom in a dream.
  • Paul McCartney heard the melody for “Yesterday” upon waking.

To tap into this state, your mind must be relaxed and open. Stress and resentment block creativity.

Michelangelo described sculpting as removing excess marble to reveal the masterpiece within.

Do this with your life. Remove excess tasks that keep you in zones of competence and excellence.

Turn your life into a masterpiece. Live in your zone of genius.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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