How to Get Better Results in Your Business

There’s a guaranteed way to get better results in your business.

Increase your responsibility.

This means your ability to respond.

When you believe the results in your business are outside of your control—caused by clients, the economy, or your team—it’s easy to feel frustrated.

Bring it back to you. YOU are always the solution.

For every result in your business you don’t want, ask yourself:

“What’s my part in this? What is my responsibility?”

This does three things:

  1. Shifts your focus from the problem to the solution.
  2. Stops you from blaming others or circumstances for your results.
  3. Activates problem-solving neurons, creating new pathways for better results in the future.

This doesn’t mean you have to literally do all the work.

When it comes to your team, as an owner, you’re responsible for:

✅ Managing your mind.
✅ Hiring the right people.
✅ Setting clear agreements.
✅ Measuring and evaluating.
✅ Coaching & accountability.
✅ Replacing non-performers.

If an employee quits, a contractor misses a deadline, or your second-in-command makes a big mistake, don’t waste time and energy with questions like:

  • What’s wrong with them?
  • Why can’t they do it right?
  • Why don’t they honor their word?

Instead, focus on what’s within your control—your thoughts, feelings, and actions—to overcome the obstacles.

When you bring it back to YOU, there’s always a solution.

The next time you get a result you don’t want (also known as a “problem”), do this exercise:

  1. I have this result because of __________. (Fill in the blank with something for which YOU are responsible.)

  2. The real problem is __________ (thing I control) and __________ (thing I control) is the solution.

  3. I will do __________ (plan within my control) to solve it.

Bring it back to you.

YOU are the solution.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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