Personal Power

To achieve something new, most people take new actions. They change what they’re doing.

But there’s a faster way.

Transform who you’re BEING, and you’ll automatically change what you’re doing.

You do this by growing your personal power and elevating your self-concept.

Personal power doesn’t relate to money, authority or influence.

True personal power is the ability to declare something is possible and make it happen.

This kind of power doesn’t rely on evidence from the past and it doesn’t require other people’s agreement.

It relies on your own internal self-concept about who you are being in relation to your declaration. The stand that you are willing to take. The required actions you are willing to do.

Your promise to yourself that you’ll have your own back along the way as you evaluate and iterate. The belief that you are worthy.

Your declaration about the future becomes possible the minute you imagine it, because your mind is the source of your creations.

The key is to define your identity in the present as the person who has already created that future.

With this new identity you naturally take actions which are congruent with how you see yourself. With who you are in relation to that future having already occurred.

For example, say you declare you will increase revenue by 50% even though the most you’ve achieved before is a 20% growth.

By declaring this future as real, by seeing yourself now as the person who made it happen, you change how you relate to obstacles that come up along the way.

A drop in revenue, loss of a big customer, or resignation of a key employee doesn’t alter your relationship with this future. It’s simply data.

You keep going, undaunted, because you believe in yourself.

Who you are being is bigger than the obstacles.

Reinvent your relationship with yourself and you completely change what’s possible. It’s an inside job.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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