If You Feel This One Emotion You’re on the Right Track

What stops you from your dreams?

It’s not what you think.

What stops you is that you don’t want to feel certain feelings.

You’re willing to feel uncertainty and even doubt because, after all, you’re an entrepreneur.

But you’re not willing to feel stupid or rejected.

And you definitely want to avoid feeling weak.

No matter what, you don’t want to feel humiliated.

So you limit what you’ll try.

But when you’re willing to feel any emotion, you’ll pursue your dreams with every ounce of your being.

You’ll scale your business with all your heart.

You’ll make it an asset other people want to buy.

You’ll create that new product, pursue that big contract, hire that expensive COO, and give that big speech.

You’ll play full-on because you know that the worst that can happen is just a feeling.

All feelings are temporary and are caused by thoughts.

If the product stalls, you lose the contract, the COO quits, or the speech flops, you decide what you make it mean.

The way you think about it will determine how you feel. Are you learning and growing, or are you a failure?

You’re going to feel uncomfortable when you stretch and grow. You’ll feel fear, doubt, and overwhelm.

You’ll also feel uncomfortable if you stay small and safe. You’ll feel trapped, stuck, and unworthy.

Which one do you choose?

Believe in yourself—in your ability and willingness to feel any emotion and not make it mean anything.

Pursue your dreams with everything you’ve got, and along the way, make these your 3 go-to questions:

  1. What am I making this mean?
  2. Why am I choosing to feel this way?
  3. How do I want to feel instead?

Discomfort is the price of your dreams.

Be willing to feel it.

Everything you want is on the other side.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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