Strategy is “What” and Execution is “How”

Strategy is what to do.
Execution is doing it well.
Mindset is believing it’s possible.

Each matters. But mindset drives the others.

• Communicate the vision
• Generate recurring revenue
• Differentiate your business

• Prioritize ruthlessly
• Delegate effectively
• Systematize efficiently

• Trust your Self & your team
• Focus on where you’re going
• See challenges as opportunities

The primitive part of your brain influences your mindset.
It makes decisions based on emotions and survival.

It focuses on avoiding danger.

This is why you doubt.
It’s why you delay.
Why you don’t delegate.

These behaviors don’t keep your business safe. They keep it small.
Great strategy and execution will only get you so far if you worry it won’t work, think others do it better, believe it’s too risky, or doubt your team.

But you can have average strategy and execution yet still succeed if you believe you’ll figure it out, feel confident in your team, are curious and willing to iterate.

So manage your mind and override the survival mechanism running on autopilot.

Your life isn’t literally on the line every day.

It just feels that way.

Practice being fully present.
Notice how you’re leading.
Be aware of your energy.

Because who you’re being drives what you’re doing.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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