Being stuck is a form of suffering caused by wanting things to be different than they are.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting change in the future—that’s progress. But feeling frustrated, stressed, or anxious about the present doesn’t change what has already happened.
It only fills your body with cortisol and negative energy, creating suffering.
4 Triggers That Make You Feel Stuck:
- Not having what you want.
- Having what you want but not feeling satisfied.
- Having what you don’t want.
- Losing what you had.
4 False Beliefs Behind Feeling Stuck:
- It shouldn’t be this way.
- Because it is this way, I can’t be happy.
- Resisting it will change it.
- Accepting it means it won’t change.
These false beliefs are what keep you stuck.
The Root of Suffering: Resistance to reality. Your mind focuses on what you don’t want, keeping you stuck.
The Solution: Nothing needs to change externally for you to stop feeling stuck. You just need to change your mindset.
Shift your focus to the direction you want to go and decide who you want to be in the current situation.
Ask Yourself Power Questions:
- What’s good about this?
- What am I learning?
- What do I want instead?
- If an employee quits, choose to think it’s better they leave if they’re unhappy. Use it as an opportunity to improve hiring and onboarding.
- If a proposal is rejected, believe you dodged a bullet. Focus on improving your qualifying process and clarifying your value.
Your Life Is an Adventure. Each situation is part of your personal curriculum to grow and evolve.
Suffering is optional.