What’s the #1 predictor of your results in business?
The answer may surprise you.
It’s not how hard you work. It’s not your experience, your education, or your network.
It’s the quality of the thoughts you think.
Every result you create starts with the thoughts in your mind.
Results like a scalable business, positive cashflow, time for yourself, or a healthy and fit body come from managing your mind.
Yet we’re not taught how to manage our minds in business school.
“Manage your mind” sounds like something a meditation teacher would say.
But if you don’t manage your mind, your mind will manage you.
How? It will try to keep you safe because its prime directive is to scan for danger and ensure survival. This shows up as negativity bias and loss aversion.
We look for, notice, and dwell on negative events while skimming past the positive ones. We spend more effort avoiding losses than creating something better. We react instead of responding.
So how exactly do you manage your mind?
The simplest way is to notice what you’re thinking and choose your thoughts on purpose.
I use a tool called the “Thought Model.”
It’s based on cognitive psychology and works like a formula:
C + T + F + A = R
Circumstance: neutral fact
Thought: interpretation
Feeling: caused by thought
Action: what we do (or don’t do)
Result: outcome of actions
As you go through your day, notice how you feel. When you have a negative emotion like stress, worry, or overwhelm, stop and write down what you’re thinking.
Then ask yourself if that thought will create the result you want. Intentionally choose a better feeling thought to fuel your action.
Here’s an example:
Circumstance: Employee resigns
Thought: I can’t replace them
Feeling: Frustrated
Action: Grumble and stew
Result: Do the work yourself
Circumstance: Employee resigns
Thought: What if I don’t rehire?
Feeling: Curious
Action: Evaluate the role
Result: Automate instead
Same circumstance, different thoughts. And much different results.
Your thoughts create the feelings that fuel your actions.
That’s why your thoughts are the biggest predictor of your results.
Choose your thoughts intentionally.