This Simple Method Will Align Your Team With Your Vision

There’s a simple way to get everyone in your business aligned.

I learned about it during the Entrepreneurial Master’s Program (EMP) run by Entrepreneurs’​ Organization (EO).

Create a crystal-clear image of your company three years into the future and explain it with words so vibrant and sharp that it’s like a painted picture.

Cameron Herold calls it the “Vivid Vision” and wrote a great book about it.

It’s the best way for everyone to see and understand where you’re going.

You may believe your vision for the future is clear to your team because you talk about it all the time.

But it took me days to describe the “movie in my mind” for my first company.

Which means there was no way my staff could see it clearly.

You can avoid years of frustration when your team sees, understands, and agrees to your vision.

Before sharing your vision with the team, prepare yourself for the reality they may not all be as excited about it as you are.

Frequently they are not.

In fact, not everyone will stay.

Manage your mind by deciding this is a good thing. You don’t want people working for you who don’t want to go where you’re going.

For example, some members of your team may not believe your revenue targets are achievable. Some may think you’re greedy to set them so high.

It’s always better to know.

The truth is, you’ll never hit your goals if the people on your team don’t believe they’re possible.

Since the first step to changing a belief is to want to change it, alignment is not always possible.

You want people on your team who love your vivid vision because that’s like rocket fuel for your business.

To create your powerful vivid vision, start with these questions:

1. What do you see and hear customers saying about your company?

2. What is your team saying about you as the leader?

3. How is your company showcased in the media?

4. What’s the buzz about your business in the market?

5. How are the daily operations handled?

6. What type of activities are you doing as the owner?

7. What’s your top-line revenue and bottom-line profit?

8. How does your team demonstrate your company’s values?

My first vivid vision was about five pages long and became the cornerstone for aligning my team and doubling the size of my company.

Make 2022 the year you create one too.

Remember when you used to LOVE your business? Find out how to leverage your brain and manage your mind in my bestselling book, Loving Your Business. Separate your identity from your business and turn it into a scalable asset that can run without you. That’s a business you’ll love – and other people will too. Get the first chapter here!



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