Two Truths You Need to Hear

Two Truths You Need to Hear

I don’t know everything, by a long shot. But I’m sure about these two things: Black lives matter and love is a verb. 

In my world, love is a VERB.
It’s why I created the Lovability Matrix and the 6 Step Process to Freedom. I have never encountered a force more powerful than love.  

Before you roll your eyes at the cliche, pause for a moment and consider what’s important to you in your life: Your business. Your family. Your friends. Your community. Whatever it is, I’m willing to bet that those things are important because you love them. 

The way we demonstrate love is by thinking, feeling, believing, wanting, and acting.

When we’re thinking love, we’re open to new ideas and imagining new possibilities about the future.  When we’re feeling love, our emotions become a source of energy and information, propelling us to take action.  When we’re acting with love, we move from paralysis to thoughtful action and we don’t give up.

I’m spending a lot of time thinking about what love means in this time of social change. I didn’t want to speak too soon, because I’m still in the process of unlearning racism and figuring out my role in this work. My brain told me I didn’t know what to do and it would be hard to figure out. I’m guessing some of you might be feeling the same way. 

I’m writing this blog because this week, I learned that prioritizing my own comfort by staying quiet is part of the problem. I learned that silence contributes to the pain that Black people across our country experience daily. 

In order to practice love as a verb, I’m committing myself to the following: 
  1. Recurring donations to organizations working for racial justice, especially in the areas of: closing the opportunity gap, STEM, and stopping the school to prison pipeline.
  2. Amplifying the voices of Black and POC business coaches, educators, and entrepreneurs on my platforms.
  3. Continuing to do the uncomfortable work of unlearning the racism I’ve absorbed from society. As a friend shared with me, “The first thought is learned, the second thought is intentional.” I will share resources as I find them for those who are on this journey with me. 

For my clients and colleagues who identify as white, I hope you will join me in this work. I encourage you to check out the following resources: 

Thank you to the many people working for justice and peace right now. You are love in action.

Learn how to change your relationship with your business so that IT works for YOU. So that you finally have the freedom and the time you wanted when you started it. Follow me on LinkedIn to learn how.

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