There’s one thing you should never let your mind do—because it will sabotage your success every time.
When you feel irritated or frustrated with your business, don’t let your mind run on autopilot.
If you do, you’ll convince yourself that your business isn’t where you want it to be because of:
- time
- money
- your team
- the economy
- your solutions
- your customers
- the competition
- the government
- something’s wrong with you
You’ll try to fix it by:
- hiring new people
- changing your price
- attending seminars
- listening to podcasts
- reading business books
- working with consultants
- increasing your marketing
But you’ll still feel:
❌ tense
❌ frustrated
❌ overwhelmed
Why? Because you’re fixing the wrong problem.
The real issue is how you’re thinking about your business. Thoughts like:
- This will never work.
- There’s too much to do.
- I have to do it myself if I want it done right.
When you feel tense, frustrated, or overwhelmed, it’s not your business causing it—it’s your thoughts about your business.
The problem with these thoughts is that your brain looks for evidence to support them.
This is called confirmation bias.
Soon, you’ll start believing your thoughts are facts. Not because they are, but because your brain filters out anything that doesn’t match what you expect.
You stop noticing:
- what’s working
- how much is getting done
- what your staff does right
Instead, decide to love your business. Start LOOKING for what’s working. Pretty soon, confirmation bias will start working FOR you.
Remember, your business doesn’t have to be perfect for you to love it.
Loving your business is a choice, not a result—and it’s the first step to freedom.
When you love your business, others will too: your team, your customers, and the market.