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Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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The Secret Benefit of Frustration

I learned this lesson while scaling and exiting my first business. Very few founders realize what frustration really means. RISK. Everything that frustrates you is a risk. Address it now or you’ll regret it later. Frustration #1: Not enough time. The risks:– Your business depends on


Most Founders Make this Mistake

Most founders make this mistake (at least once). I made it too, when I was building my first business, Association Analytics. Our business becomes our identity. Your self-esteem becomes tied directly to the success of the business. How you feel about yourself varies


The Best Thing About Competition

Ever felt threatened by your competition? I have. Here’s what I did. It was my first time speaking at a large conference in DC. I was barely covering payroll but decided to buy a booth in the exhibit hall. Imposter syndrome kicked in,


Frustrated with Your Team?

Struggling with your team? It might be you. You think you’re frustrated because sales team doesn’t follow up, finance doesn’t manage cashflow, or PMs miss deadlines/blow budgets. You’re annoyed. You think they should know. You shouldn’t have to tell them. The steps seem


The Most Important Habit for Founders

Most founders stay stuck because of one belief: It’s faster and easier to do it myself. Don’t believe it. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. I remember doing the billing in my first business. Even after hitting $1M/year in


From Fire Drills to Freedom

Your business: before & after. Before, your business is your identity. It can’t run without you. It consumes all your time. More work = hiring more people. Everything’s a fire drill and you’re stressed and frustrated. After, your business is an asset you


How to Make Your Business Work FOR You

I know you love your business, but sometimes it can feel like a trap. That’s how it felt for me in my first business. We were stuck delivering complex, custom services for high-profile projects. We built data warehouses and predictive models. Each project


3 Strategies for Taking Risk

Second-guessing your business decisions can be detrimental. During my journey scaling and exiting my first business, I learned that doubt can be deadly. Uncertainty doesn’t just affect you; it ripples through your entire business. It can undermine your team’s confidence and even make


How Much is Your Business Worth?

Second-guessing your business decisions is the worst thing you can do. While scaling and exiting my first business I learned doubt is deadly. Any uncertainty you feel ripples through your business. It affects your team’s confidence. Even your clients can feel it. 3

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset