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Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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Available Now!

Today is the day! My new book, Loving Your Business, is available now for purchase on Amazon. The Kindle edition is on sale for $0.99 this week only! This book is for you if you feel trapped by your business, and it’s draining


Two Truths You Need to Hear

Two Truths You Need to Hear I don’t know everything, by a long shot. But I’m sure about these two things: Black lives matter and love is a verb.  In my world, love is a VERB. It’s why I created the Lovability Matrix


Why Your Brain is Hurting You Now

Evolution has provided us with an amazing brain – actually, with two distinctly different types of brain in one. The oldest one, we’ll call the “primitive” brain, is responsible for our survival. It looks for danger everywhere and is always on alert. Everything

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset