The Founder's Newsletter

Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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Rethinking Our Relationship with Our Business

Business ownership can feel like it takes a heavy toll, costing us time, energy, and money.  It can leave us frustrated and drained.  If that’s you, it’s not only time to change your business, but your mind.  I learned the hard way that


How to Create the Future of Your Business

“I shouldn’t have hired all those people,” you think. “I should have waited until next year to upgrade our systems,” you say. “I never should have paid for that training,” you complain. Do you find yourself second-guessing your business decisions now more than

Mindset Expert

The Surprising Benefit of Overwhelm

What I’m hearing most right now is how OVERWHELMED business owners are feeling. It can immobilize us, especially in times of uncertainty.  Change and overwhelm go together. Whether it’s a change foisted upon us or one we intentionally choose, there’s a part of

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset