The Founder's Newsletter

Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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Are You Focused on the Future or on Survival?

Imagine you’re going for a drive with your brain. The neocortex is in the driver’s seat. It has a plan and a destination: creating a profitable and scalable business that you love owning. ⁠ ⁠ However, your limbic system, the oldest part of


Do You Have Expectations or Agreements?

Agreements are rare. There’s something else much more common, and much less valuable. Expectations. An expectation is an uncommunicated rule. Some of our expectations for other people are unreasonable. For example: ❌They can never quit. ❌They can never question us. ❌They can never


Do You Feel Anxious About Obstacles? Try This

What if there are no problems? Instead, there are obstacles. These obstacles literally form the path to your goals. Because if the obstacles weren’t there, you’d already be where you want to be. This means that identifying obstacles is the first step to

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset