The Founder's Newsletter

Mindset and strategy advice to love your business while turning it into an asset you can scale or sell. Get it Tuesday mornings.

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Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Resilience

The world of neuroscience has much to teach us about leadership. Your brain functions like a complex symphony, with different regions playing unique melodies. The neocortex, the cerebral powerhouse responsible for strategic thinking, planning, and risk-taking, is your leadership virtuoso. The limbic system,


Kindness: The Noble Strength

Forget mistletoe and bonuses—the secret to workplace success this holiday season comes in a simpler package. Let’s unwrap the gift of kindness in communication and see how it improves workplace harmony and productivity during the holidays. Communication is the lifeblood of any organization,


Good Decisions

When making decisions ask yourself if you like your reasons. Would you be proud to tell them to someone you respect? Good reasons are ones aligned with your core values, ones that move you in the direction of learning and growth. Not-so-good reasons


What is Cosmic Alchemy?

Psychologist Daniel Goleman, famous for his work on emotional intelligence, believes understanding the emotions of others is a critical leadership trait. Empathy isn’t just a positive feeling. It’s a strategic imperative that can transform business in three ways: 1. Enhanced Collaboration and Creativity:


The Pygmalion Effect

Studies show you can change the world. While change may seem daunting, you have the power to influence your surroundings and bring about positive change. You can make a difference, leave a lasting mark, and shape a brighter future for all. The Pygmalion


A CEO’s Guide to Liberation

When you own a business everything seems urgent and important. Your business will consume you if you let it. It can feel like your life is literally on the line. It’s hard to think clearly. That’s because your brain goes into survival mode


How to Solve Any Problem

It’s not possible to have all the answers. But you can train yourself to make decisions with confidence and solve problems in any environment. Here’s a simple 4-step agile formula that works: 1. Decide 2. Act 3. Evaluate 4. Iterate This is exactly


The Priceless Value of Kindness

Success is more than bottom-line results. Kindness provides a powerful competitive edge. Your business does more than complete tasks; it tells a story shaped by your impact. Making kindness your masterpiece helps create a lasting difference. A Harvard study published in 2021 tracked

Improve delegation and leadership skills Lead effectively through delegation Master team delegation for growth Delegate tasks and build leadership Leadership growth through delegation Strengthen leadership with delegation Build trust and lead through delegation Scale your business with smart delegation Learn effective delegation as a leader Leadership success through delegation

Increase Your Personal Power

You know those moments you say, “I can do this!” and then make it happen? That’s personal power. It’s when you choose not to care about obstacles or what other people think. It’s when the most important opinion is the one you have

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Tired of feeling frustrated and trapped by your business?


6 Steps to Turn Your Business into an Asset